Extreme Weather and Practice Policy

In order to ensure the health and well-being of our players, coaches, and families, the club has adopted the following policy regarding extreme weather and practice conditions:

  • All practices shall be cancelled:

    • During times of thunder and lightning;

    • During times of extreme hail, rain, or conditions determined by the club to be unsafe for the players;

    • When the air quality is Unhealthy (> 150) at 2pm on the day of practice.  The website www.airnow.gov will be the official website that is used.  Larchmont practices will utilize the sensor associated with the zip code 95826 and Mather practices will utilize the sensor associated with the zip code 95655.


  • When the forecast temperature (at 2pm) is expected to reach over 100 degrees AND air quality is predicted to be unhealthy for sensitive groups (>100):

    • All practices for U13 & below shall be cancelled.  This is non-negotiable.

    • U14 and over may practice with caution, including extra water breaks and limited exertion, at the discretion of the club.


  • When the forecast temperature (at 2pm) is expected to reach 105 or higher regardless of air quality:

    • All practices for U13 & below shall be cancelled.  This is non-negotiable.

    • U14 and over may practice with caution, including extra water breaks and limited exertion, at the discretion of the club.


  • Additional determinations regarding practice safety or feasibility may be made at any time by the President or Vice President(s) of Union Sacramento FC.


  • Practice may be cancelled immediately if the club determines, for any reason, that player safety may be in jeopardy.