
Our ambitions are simple enough: to use competitive soccer as a teaching tool for life’s lessons; to compete at the highest level; to provide each of our children with the technical, tactical, physical, and psychological strengths they need to achieve their potential; to hire the most qualified staff; and to have our kids play on fields that are the region’s envy. We strive to cover the cost of our Academy teams and all this, while providing financial aid to families in need.
Operating a Club of this nature is an expensive endeavor and club dues alone come nowhere close to covering all the costs.
UNION FC thus seeks a variety of funding sources to “bridge the gap” between dues revenue and operating expenses. UNION FC has assembled a Fundraising Advisory Committee but remains in need of experienced and/or dedicated individuals who can assist the Club in reaching its fundraising goals. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Fundraising Advisory Committee, please contact us at
By shopping at amazon, you can help Union FC raise money. It costs nothing extra, only requires a one time setup, and you can sleep well knowing you are helping contribute to the best soccer club in town. The steps are simple:
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Choose “Union Sacramento FC” as your charity
Don’t forget to update your bookmark
Voila! Pat yourself on the back. You never have think about it again. Just shop away, and know you are helping to support our great organization.